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Photo via Kat Kosplay/Facebook

This cosplayer made Rey’s awesome quarterstaff—and you can too

You don’t need cosplay experience to try making your own ‘The Force Awakens’ props.


Lisa Granshaw

Internet Culture

Over the last year we’ve seen a lot of amazing cosplay inspired by Star Wars: The Force Awakens. If you’ve been watching these efforts and dying to make your own Rey cosplay, take a look at this detailed quarterstaff created by cosplayer Katia Schiele of Kat Kosplay.

Schiele has been sharing her efforts to make the quarterstaff on her Facebook page and Instagram account. Once she had the final product, she posted images of the process on Imgur as well. The photos reveal a quarterstaff that looks perfect for a Rey cosplay.

Schiele, who has been cosplaying for the last two and a half years, told the Daily Dot in an email interview that the biggest challenge she faced when making the prop was finding objects of similar shape to the segments of the staff. It was like a puzzle as she looked for items that could shape each piece.

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“One time I even went up and down the shampoo and beverage aisle at the grocery store in search of a bottle cap that had a similar shape to the dome-shaped pieces on her staff. It finally occurred to me that I could use a shot glass to shape those pieces,” she said. “I was also a bit concerned about the coil-looking pieces that are on her staff, but that segment’s form was easily created using a plastic jump rope which I tightly wound around the PVC pipe.”

The images Schiele’s posted will be helpful if you want to make your own quarterstaff. She shows everything from her initial sketches to the worbla thermoplastic details. You can also check out her YouTube video where she walks viewers through her process.

Schiele’s advice for those who want to give it a try: “Do it!”

“You don’t need to make it exactly like mine. In fact, mine isn’t a perfect replica either,” she said. “If you can just make the rough silhouette of her staff it will look like it came from the Star Wars universe and blend in perfectly as Rey’s weapon.”

For anyone hesitating because they’re worried they might not have the skills to cosplay or make props, Schiele said not to let that hold you back.

“My first costume was a disaster, and the weapon, which was supposed to be a sword, looked more like an inflatable club,” she said. “After each costume and prop I make, I learn an incredible amount. Just give it a try and you might find out you love cosplay as much as I do.”

There are lots of resources online to help you cosplay as Rey, but if you have been waiting this whole time then what better place to finally start than with her quarterstaff?

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Schiele is working on the rest of her Rey costume now, which she plans to wear to June’s Denver Comic Con.

Photo via Delusionkat/Imgur

The Daily Dot