girl riding carousel wrong

Photo via Nigel Broomhall/YouTube

Little girl rides animal carousel in a way you’ve never seen before

That’s one way to do it.


Austin Powell

Internet Culture

There are moments in life when you realize just how truly special your child is. Maybe it’s a detail in a scribble, a creative explanation for something utterly mundane, or a weirdly philosophical question that stops you dead in your tracks.

Or maybe you just see that your child doesn’t actually ride the animals on a merry-go-round like Sienna.

BuzzFeed reporter Jen Lewis added the appropriate Twin Peaks theme music:

Sienna’s father, Nigel Broomhall, is apparently hoping for a payday out of the viral clip. He says he’s in discussions with The DeGeneres Show, apparently hoping to have his daughter dragged on national TV. “Perhaps a future role as a zombie child in the Walking Dead awaits,” he wrote on YouTube.

Here’s a cute clip of Sienna reacting to her own newfound viral fame:

In a decade, we may all be asking “Where is she now?” Here’s hoping Broomhall keeps the cameras rolling.

The Daily Dot