Swedish park staff can’t remove this giant penis drawn on thin ice

That thing’s not going anywhere.


Miles Klee

Internet Culture

There’s petty vandalism, and then there’s anarchic genius. Today we are delighted to share a shining example of the latter in Gothenburg, Sweden: a giant dick drawn in the snow on ice apparently too thin to trod upon.

Staff in Kungsparken (or King’s Park) were “approached by a number of locals who complained that the penis drawing was offensive,” the Local reported, but soon decided that they couldn’t risk venturing out on the frozen water to wipe it clean. “They judged that the ice would not stay put. They did not dare to go out on to the moat and consequently the artwork is there until thawing weather returns,” said Darko Brankovic, director of Gothenburg’s Parks and Landscape Administration. 


The viral photo above, which shows park staff somewhat flummoxed by the prank, was snapped by local 79-year-old Åke Lindgren, who saw the whole scene from his apartment and said he could “understand both those who think that the penis is offensive and those who only see the fun in it all.”

Sounds like a confession, no? Somebody get this old man on a scale.

H/T Local SE | Photo via @TheZanyTimes/Twitter 

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