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In order to save his species, this frog has joined

He’s hoping to find his perfect match.


Tess Cagle

Internet Culture

At times, we all feel like we might not ever find our one true love, our soulmate, our perfect match. But for one endangered frog, that might actually be the case.

This is the tragic tale of the last Sehuencas Water Frog known to be in existence. The little fella resides in a tank at the Cochabamba Natural History Museum in Bolivia all alone, and he’s been making mating calls from within his confinement for the past nine years. Meanwhile, scientists scour through the rivers and streams of Bolivia, searching for a mate for Romeo, before it’s too late. But every day—as the 10-year-old Romeo grows older and older—the scientists have failed to find his Juliet.

In an effort to raise awareness and funds to continue their work, scientists have set up a profile for little Romeo.

“Not to start this off super heavy or anything, but I’m literally the last of my species,” the profile says. “I know—intense stuff. But that’s why I’m on here—in hopes of finding my perfect match so we can save our own kind.”

Romeo the frog's profile

Judging by Romeo’s profile, he’s kind of the ideal boyfriend:

“I’m a pretty simple guy. I tend to keep to myself and have the best nights just chilling at home, maybe binge-watching the waters around me,” his profile says. “I do love food, though, and will throw a pair of pants on and get out of the house if there’s a worm or snail to be eaten!”

A dude who loves staying at home, watching Netflix, and eating food? Sold.

Scientists hope to raise $15,000 and will match donations made on the site through Wednesday. Supporters can donate here.

The Match profile has begun to raise awareness and funds already.

“We don’t want him to lose hope,” Arturo Munoz, a conservation scientist, told AFP news agency.”We continue to remain hopeful that others are out there so we can establish a conservation breeding program to save this species.”

Sehuencas Water Frogs typically live to be 15, so Romeo has just five more years to find his better half. We hope Romeo the frog’s fate won’t be as tragic as the one of the young fellow he’s named after.

The Daily Dot