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These 2 college guys had the best response to an anti-gay preacher

Watch what they did, and how the crowd reacted.


Fidel Martinez

Internet Culture

Two male students at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, Calif., decided that they’d had enough of the lady proselytizing and condemning homosexuality in front of the school’s University Union. So they did something about it: They ran up to the stairs and decided to make out with one another.

Thankfully for all of us, YouTube user Nadira320 was there to capture the whole thing on video.

“So there was this crazy preacher lady yelling… for 3 hours today, talking about how we’re all damned to hell and how we’re sinners but she’s a saint because she’s spreading the word of God (you know, the usual),” the uploader recounts.

“She was just beginning a rant on traditional marriage and why gay people are evil when this happened. Highlight of my week.”

It also appeared to be a good moment for everyone standing around, as evidenced by the applause.

The clip has collected more than 75,000 views since it was first uploaded on Tuesday.

Photo via Nadira320/YouTube

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