coca cola cans

Photo via Mike Mozart/Flickr (CC-BY)

Someone mysteriously pooped in these Coke cans that were waiting to be filled

Coca-Cola cans filled with excrement were found at a factory in Northern Ireland.


David Britton

Internet Culture

Factory workers in Northern Ireland were shocked when they discovered human waste in empty cans of Coca-Cola waiting to be filled.

“It was absolutely horrible, and the machines had to be turned off for about 15 hours to be cleaned,” a source told the Belfast Telegraph. “It was unusual because normally the cans come from somewhere else in the UK, but this time they apparently came from Germany.”

The source also mentioned that the rumor amongst workers is that there were undocumented immigrants hidden on the container ship that delivered the cans, and, without proper bathrooms, they were forced to use the cans. There is currently no evidence to support that claim.

A spokesman for the Police Service of Northern Ireland said an “investigation is at an early stage and there are no further details available at this time.”

For its part, Coca-Cola was quick to respond, saying that none of its actual  soda was affected and that consumers should not be concerned about any products currently available at stores:

Coca-Cola take the safety and quality of our products extremely seriously…. The problem was identified immediately through our robust quality procedures and all of the product from the affected production was immediately impounded and will not be sold. This is an isolated incident and does not affect any products currently on sale.

Those sentiments echoed by the Food Standards Agency. A spokesperson said, “The FSA in NI is aware of a physical contamination incident at Coca-Cola Hellenic in Lisburn. There is no evidence to suggest that any affected product has reached the market.”

Naturally, Twitter reacted gracefully to the news of Poo Coke. (Get it, rhymes with New Coke?)

A special shout out though, to this guy.

How little did he know.


The Daily Dot