Chris Brown deletes Twitter, offers to shart in Jenny Johnson’s eye

A Twitter spat between the always classy Chris Brown and comedy writer Jenny Johnson resulted in Brown deleting his account Sunday night.


Jordan Valinsky

Internet Culture

A Twitter spat between singer/dancer/domestic abuser Chris Brown and comedy writer Jenny Johnson resulted in Brown deleting his account Sunday night.

Johnson, who tweets from @JennyJohnshonHi5, amassed her 310,000 followers with lewd jokes, frequently throwing jabs at Brown after his 2009 arrest for assaulting his then-girlfriend, Rihanna.

The argument started when Brown tweeted, “I look old as fuck! I’m only 23.” The tweet garnered 4,000 retweets, including Johnson’s: “I know! Being a worthless piece of shit can really age a person.”

What followed was a string of increasingly vulgar tweets (Storify via Betabeat’s Jessica Roy):

Then, after tweeting “Let me leave this bitch alone … It’s good to know my worth by listening to a bitch that is worthless! #iwin #bushpigswag,” Brown deleted his Twitter account shortly after, surprising his 11 million followers.

“I have zero respect for a person who seems unapologetic for the terrible crime he committed and shows no signs of changing,” reasoned Johnson.

The reaction from #TeamBreezy, a Twitter-bred fan group for Brown, was predictably cruel:

“@JennyJohnsonHi5 Hey, Go Kill Yourself :) Sincerely: #TEAMBREEZY,” tweeted @ChrisBrownRCA, whose account features a “Chris Brown Deserves Respect” avatar.

“Alarming how many death threats I’m receiving via @ replies. I encourage everyone, including @Twitter to look through them. Not cool,” Johnson responded Monday morning.

Rihanna, who is rumored to still be dating Brown, tweeted a screenshot of the exchange late Sunday, writing “How does one find the time? We gotta do better than this.” She deleted the tweet within minutes of posting it.

“Chris Brown’s publicist finally figured out his Twitter password,” tweeted comedian Eli Braden.

And this redditor had the top-voted comment on the r/music thread:


But Vh1 News’ Katie Spencer didn’t find the ordeal as funny, tweeting, “Wish I had something funny to say about Chris Brown, but his behavior is too repulsive to warrant the effort.”

Photo via Eva Rinaldi/Twitter

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