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Wallace TheMadKing/YouTube

Man crafts delicious Iron Throne out of carrots for his Internet-famous rabbit

This Mad King is definitely cuter.


Taylor Hatmaker

Internet Culture

There’s so much to look forward to in the new season of Game of Thrones that it might be best to ease into the upcoming premiere gradually. 

In a series infamous for its blood-soaked plot, sexual violence, and thoroughly loathsome characters, cute moments are few and far between. But one protagonist stands above all of that, ruling benevolently from an Iron Throne crafted entirely of carrots. 

Yes, the reign of Wallace the rabbit has begun. Watch as Wallace ever so slowly wreaks havoc on his very own to-scale carrot throne, one nom at a time. You’re welcome.

H/T Laughing Squid | Screengrab via Wallace TheMadKing/YouTube

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