bird box memes


Netflix’s ‘Bird Box’ has become a meme factory

People can’t get enough of the Sandra Bullock horror film.


Elizabeth VanMetre


This post contains spoilers.

Netflix’s latest horror-thriller Bird Box dropped last week and everyone pretty much feels the same way about it: terrified.

The post-apocalyptic film was adapted from the novel by the same name and stars Sandra Bullock as Malorie Hayes, a mother trying to avoid a suicidal death which comes if you look into a monster’s eyes. To avoid eye-locking, characters move around with blindfolds, making escaping to safety that much more difficult.

And it seems to have quite a bit of a cult-like following already, complete with memes.

The best Bird Box memes (so far)

For many on Twitter, the movie has become a mix of fear and obsession. The memes riff on the plot lines from Bird Box, often with hilarious results.

Like whenever Malorie hears anything.

And whenever they are outdoors.

Or these tributes to the most gullible girl ever, Olympia. We’re still wondering what she was thinking.

In the end, when the kids finally don’t have to be called boy and girl anymore, Twitter was in its feelings.

There were also tweets about how being blind turned into an advantage in the film.

Some even highlighted the ways life can never be the same after watching the movie—especially when there are birds at the window.

The movie has been criticized for its insensitive portrayal of mental health. It’s rated R and not suitable for children, but its monsters and “hopeful” ending have captured the social media zeitgeist this holiday season all the same.


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The Daily Dot