bbc dad kids animated short: cartoon versions of robert kelly's kids solve crime

Screengrab via Hans House Productions/YouTube

BBC dad’s adorable children become crime-solving sleuths in animated spinoff

They are cuter than ever.


David Covucci

Internet Culture

Newton’s second law of thermodynamics, which essentially states that systems diminish in energy over time, is completely inviolable.

That’s one of the fundamental foundation of physics. But then answer me this: How do the kids of BBC dad Robert Kelly keep getting cuter and cuter? Shouldn’t be possible, right? They were cute in the video, then cuter in the follow-up interview, then beyond adorable in their press conference.

They should be getting less cute, as we are exposed to them more, but now they are at their utmost adorable in this animated cartoon. WHERE THEY SOLVE CRIME.

It’s Mina and Jake, not Marion and James, but the influence is clear.

Robert Kelly himself even loved it.

And how could you not? The work, by Lauren Martin and Jarryd Mandy of Hans House Productions in Brooklyn, perfectly encapsulates the insatiable curiosity that all kids have.

In fact, Kelly and his wife were so in love with it, they allowed Han House to produce more episodes.

So get ready for these two to somehow get even cuter.

H/T Mashable

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