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Women tear apart garbage advice on talking to women wearing headphones

Just don’t do it.


Jay Hathaway

Internet Culture

The internet’s wheel of fate has turned again and determined that the garbage #content beaming into your eyeballs on Twitter dot com today will be… “bad advice about how to approach women wearing headphones.” 

Hoo boy, here we go. 

This is the controversial guide circulating right now, originally published in 2013 on pickup website the Modern Man and seemingly ignored altogether. It offers a typical “nice guy” approach to getting a woman’s attention:

In case it’s not obvious, the fatal flaw of this advice is twofold: One, it’s oblivious to women’s safety—you may know you don’t mean any harm, but she doesn’t. You’re asking (or, in this case, practically demanding) that she take the risk of interacting with you. 

Oh, and two? Headphones are the universal “do not disturb” signal, and you just ignored it.

Don’t take my word for it, though. Women on Twitter have overwhelmingly mocked and rejected the Modern Man’s advice, and many men aren’t crazy about it, either.

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And Jezebel even published a spoof article, “How to Talk to a Woman Who is Trying to Take a Dump,” which points up the absurdity of the original, line by line.

But all jokes aside, how DO you approach a woman wearing headphones? Some women offered a very solid alternative to the Modern Man’s instructions:

Well, there you go. 

No one’s saying you’re not allowed to start conversations, just that you shouldn’t start conversations with people who are literally covering or plugging their ears because they don’t want to talk.

The Daily Dot