
A small-time Internet god talked an NFL prospect into leaving the combine

Buckle your seatbelt: This one’s a long time coming.

Photo of Chase Hoffberger

Chase Hoffberger

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A football player who deserted the NFL combine and went AWOL for three days in order to fulfill a prophesy that he’d get drafted by his favorite team did so because of a message handed down by an Internet-based god named Lord RayEl. 

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There’s a lot of background to this story. 

Adam Muema’s a running back trying out for the NFL. Until recently, casual observers had never heard of him. Scouts projected him as a mid-round pick. Muema wanted to play for the Seattle Seahawks. 

Muema’s also a believer in numerology and pulling signs from strange happenstances. A series of occurrences throughout his life has led him to believe that the number 8 is special.


And so, when he learned that he was the first NFL prospect in eight years to attend an Indianapolis Catholic mass and dinner during the tryout, one being attended by Seattle Seahawks general manager John Schneider, he took that as a sign that his work had already been done. He would get drafted by the Seahawks. He wasn’t to try out any more. Muema hightailed it the airport, where he lounged anonymously for three days.

This all happened because a Lord with a webpage told Muema it would happen. 


Lord RayEl’s trying to look like somebody, but we just can’t place our finger on it.


Lord RayEl’s frequently asked questions page reveals he goes by RayEl and not Jesus because his name was Raymond Elwood before the Holy Spirit joined him. Also, RayEl means “Word of God.” He believes Christ’s holy spirit returned in a Jan. 2011 YouTube video depicting a UFO landing smack-dab in Jerusalem. He could NOT be the false prophet or anti-Christ, he says, but he does accept donations. “Tithing to the Lord is biblically commanded.”

All that tithing runs through a PayPal at the bottom.

You can follow him, too.



Muea’s activities fall in line with a YouTube video titled “Adam Muema Torah Code Prophesy,” a two-minute detailing of the ways Muema could help promote Lord RayEl. The video details Muema’s allegiance to RayEl—a series of Facebook posts Muema made about him—and predicts word of RayEl will be passed on by March 1. 

That’s the day that Lord RayEl tweeted the video to his 6,664 followers. Muema responded by asking if he’d seen the prophet. 

Muema, who has 1,814 followers but no longer has an agent, has sent a series of praises for RayEl since. Wednesday morning, he tweeted about his compared successes a running back for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers who played college football at Boise State. 

Doug Martin played 19 more games than me he went 1st round!

— Adam Muema (@So_Lucrative) March 5, 2014


And Martin never had God on his side, either. 

The Daily Dot