
Prada’s $185 paper clip is just what you need to get your life together

Stop holding your papers together with a regular paper clip like you’re some sort of peasant.

Photo of David Britton

David Britton

Prada paperclip

Do you feel disorganized? Like your life just isn’t coming together the way you always planned? Well in 1867, a man named Samuel Faye patented a little invention that might be just what you need. It’s called a paper clip, and usually, you can get around 100 of them for $3.

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But maybe you’re past the point were something so cheap and trivial can help you. A $3 box of paperclips is not going to solve all your problems. It’s time to get serious. Instead of buying 100 cheap paper clips, what you need to buy is one really expensive paper clip. Luckily, Barneys New York has you covered. For $185 they will sell you a really, really nice paper clip.


$185 paper clip
Screengrab via Barneys New York

It’s made by Prada, a leader in the field of organizational tools. In fact, Prada is probably best known for their bags, which are so good at holding stuff they cost $3,000.

The clip is made of sterling silver, the ideal metal for holding two pieces of paper together. It’s also 6.25cm x 2.25cm, which is pretty big for a paper clip. In fact it’s being sold as a “Paperclip-Shaped Money Clip” which might be Prada’s idea of a joke.

For $185, here’s what this thing should be able to hold together:

  • A muffler and your rusty tailpipe
  • Your failing marriage
  • Your sanity
  • The Democratic party

If the price seems a bit steep, do keep in mind shipping is free. Or, if you’re feeling super cheap, you can do what poor people who want cereal have done for years, and buy the store brand. Barneys also offers their own paper clip for a mere $150.

$150 paper clip
Screengrab via Barneys New York

Just don’t come crying to us when the Queen laughs you out of her garden party.

H/T Mashable

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