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How AIDS conspiracy theorists silence critics on YouTube

AIDS conspiracy theorists are using bogus DMCA takedown notices to silence their critics on YouTube.  

On by Rob Price

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Are ‘3 Strikes’ laws really working?

“What happened in the 1990s was the transition from ‘lock ’em up’ to ‘throw away the key.'”

On by [email protected]

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France slaps convicted pirate with 15-day Internet suspension

A 43-year-old man has been sentenced to 15 days offline after uploading a song by the pop group Collectif Metisse, copyrighted by Universal.

On by Kevin Collier

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“Six Strikes” arrives Nov. 28: How will it affect you?

Under the Copyright Alerts System, Internet users who are repeatedly caught pirating copyrighted files will have to complete an “educational course” before visiting certain websites.

On by Kevin Collier

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French man receives fine for pirated content he didn’t download

Under France’s “three strikes” copyright enforcement law, whoever foots the Internet bill is responsible illegally downloaded content, not the actual user. 

On by Kevin Collier

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The TPP: A first-hand look at the secret international talks that could change the Internet

Kevin Collier traveled to the Landsdowne Resort in Viriginia, where government trade representatives met to negotiate the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). 

On by Kevin Collier

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France reevaluating “three strikes” copyright regime

French officials are reconsidering HADOPI—also known as the “three strikes” copyright infringement policy—after it proved more expensive and less effective than anticipated.

On by Kevin Collier

The Daily Dot