woman speaking with caption 'Finding out my insurance didn't cover maternity at 25 weeks pregnant' (l) pregnant woman with clipboard reading 'Insurance' on table (c) woman speaking (r)

Woman says she found out her insurance doesn’t cover maternity at 25 weeks pregnant

‘American Healthcare is a bigger scam than MLMs.’

On by Rachel Kiley

what is the difference between medicare and medicaid

What is Medicaid—and how is it different from Medicare?

You’ve definitely read about government-subsidized healthcare, but it can be hard to distinguish between multiple federally funded programs.

On by Brenden Gallagher

trump pelosi

Trump trolled by Pelosi after breaking budget promises he made on Twitter

There is always a tweet.

On by Andrew Wyrich

Planned Parenthood supporters protesting with signs.

The Trump administration just made its latest move to defund Planned Parenthood

This marks one year of Trump’s tirade on abortion rights.

On by Samantha Grasso

A new policy from the Trump administration allows states to enforce work requirements for Medicaid recipients.

Trump administration policy will let states enforce work requirements for Medicaid

It’s the first time Medicaid will be tied to work.

On by Kris Seavers

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GOP governor slammed by party for passing abortion bill

This is a massive win for abortion rights—but the GOP calls it a ‘betrayal.’

On by Ana Valens

Donald Trump at the Arlington National Cemetery during Memorial Day Weekend

On the anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, Trump’s words and actions don’t add up

He wants to ‘protect the rights and dignity’ of those with disabilities, but also make giant cuts to Medicaid.

On by Samantha Grasso

senate healthcare bill

Key Republican senators want the GOP healthcare vote delayed

Are they feeling the pressure?

On by Chris Tognotti

Activists and directors of Planned Parenthood gathered New York City.

Texas edged out Planned Parenthood—and now wants its Medicaid funding back

If the reimbursment is approved, the precedent could allow other states to ban Plan Parenthood without financial repercussion.

On by Samantha Grasso

alcee hastings greg walden ahca mad as hell

After being shushed during Trumpcare debate, congressman fires back

He’s not backing down.

On by Josh Katzowitz

Planned Parenthood

Judge rules Texas cannot cut Planned Parenthood from Medicaid

He compared the state’s argument to a ‘best-selling novel.’

On by Samantha Grasso

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Hillary Clinton promises to repeal 40 years of restrictive abortion access

The fight to end the Hyde Amendment has more support than ever.

On by Jaya Saxena

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Planned Parenthood says state laws limiting its Medicaid funding are ‘illegal’

The claim follows a strongly worded letter from an Obama administration official.

On by Dell Cameron

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Florida woman cheered for ripping into Gov. Rick Scott at a Starbucks

Florida residents are calling her a hero for the viral rant.

On by Mary Emily O’Hara

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John Oliver blasts states that refused to expand Medicaid under Obamacare

Some states are playing politics with people’s health.

On by Gavia Baker-Whitelaw

The Daily Dot