Padlock over EU map symbolizing the EU General Data Protection Regulation GDPR with ChatGPT logo overlay centered

Italy is leading the fight against AI—and could prompt EU-wide action

But people aren’t happy about its ChatGPT ban.

On by Simone Fontana, Anna Toniolo

Elon Musk face on blue background

Could Europe’s new laws rein in Elon Musk’s chaotic vision of free speech on Twitter?

Twitter is global, and Elon Musk needs to factor that into his decisions.

On by Jonathan Keane

hand holding phone with Meta logo over stock tracker background

Meta hit with $18 million fine for a dozen violations of Europe’s GDPR

Meta argues that the issue stems from its record keeping practices and not the loss of user data.

On by Mikael Thalen

Mark Zuckerberg Internet Regulation Facebook

Facebook says it doesn’t think the government should break up Facebook

He’s reportedly going to try and push his regulation ideas in Washington.

On by Andrew Wyrich

netflix lawsuit gdpr

Privacy group files complaints against Netlifx, Spotify for GDPR violations

Eight major companies accused by advocacy group of violating the EU’s privacy rules

On by Mikael Thalen

social media twitter

Twitter is retroactively suspending users who signed up when they were underage

It’s reportedly looking for a more permanent solution.

On by Phillip Tracy

mark zuckerberg gdpr ceo facebook f8

Facebook is tricking users into signing its new terms of service, lawsuit alleges (updated)

The social giant may be in violation of the GDPR.

On by Phillip Tracy

Data security image on phone with lock

Facebook, Google facing mammoth lawsuits after one day of GDPR

The privacy rules are causing headaches for European users and tech companies.

On by Christina Bonnington

los angeles times gdpr newspaper news outlets

Major U.S. newspapers shut down in Europe as GDPR goes into effect

The strict European privacy policy went into effect today.

On by Phillip Tracy

gdpr memes

‘Last Jedi’ director Rian Johnson just made the best GDPR meme

As GDPR launches, everyone’s making data protection zingers.

On by Tess Cagle

mark zuckerberg facebook ceo testimony

Here’s how Mark Zuckerberg will apologize to the E.U.

Déjà vu.

On by Phillip Tracy

gdpr eu european union terms of service

Here’s why you’re getting all those terms of service update emails

Companies have until May 25 to make changes.

On by Phillip Tracy

The Daily Dot