Bartender shares how he secretly cuts off customers who've had enough to drink

‘They don’t even know’: Bartender shows how he secretly cuts off people who’ve had enough to drink

'Then they swear that's the strongest drink they've had.'

On May 7, 2023 by Braden Bjella

man greenscreen TikTok over image of beer in glass with caption 'He wanted 40 an hour to bartend' (l) bartender cash tip left on counter (c) man greenscreen TikTok over image of beer in glass with caption 'He wanted 40 an hour to bartend' (r)

‘Wouldn’t get out of bed for 12 an hour’: Man interviewing for bartending job asks for $40 an hour, 115% tips after being offered $12 an hour

'The outrageous part is him wanting the other bartenders tips.'

On May 6, 2023 by Braden Bjella

Homepage article image

Bartender says customer tried to get drink for free after ordering it wrong

'The way you state the obvious so clearly and decisively.'

On May 2, 2023 by Phil West

bartender dressed as customer in front of bar with caption 'I'm gonna wait for Kevin' (l) bar with caption 'Things that actually do kind of piss me off as a bartender ...part 2' (c) bartender in front of bar with caption 'hey Bud can I get something to drink oh no thank you' (r)

‘Translation: Kevin charges the friend rate’: Bartender shares things that piss him off as a bartender

'You probably don't pour like Kevin...'

On Apr 18, 2023 by Jack Alban

bartender speaking in front of tan wall (l) customer handing bartender ID (c) bartender speaking in front of tan wall (r)

‘Your drink could cost others their job’: Bartender shares PSA about ID etiquette

'I'm not getting a felony for your Pink Whitney.'

On Mar 23, 2023 by Angela Littlefield

bar tender pouring alcohol with caption 'How customer expect you to act once you make eye contact' (l) bar tender speaking with caption 'How customer expect you to act once you make eye contact' (c) bar tender pouring alcohol with caption 'How customer expect you to act once you make eye contact' (r)

‘How customers expect you to act once you make eye contact’: Bartender shares PSA to customers who make eye contact to try to get their attention

'And when u pay attention they take like forever to remember what they wanna order.'

On Mar 15, 2023 by Jack Alban

person speaking with singer pointing up (l) bar tender using tablet (c) person speaking with shocked expression (r)

‘They never ask for confirmation’: Woman shares ‘hack’ for getting free drinks at bars—putting drinks on random people’s tabs

'Pls don’t do this to us bartenders, makes it real awkward at the end of the night.'

On Mar 4, 2023 by Jack Alban