Vincent James (l) Brent Regan (c) David Reilly (r)

‘You have to take the little towns first’: White nationalism infiltrates Idaho Republicans, where the ‘Christian Taliban’ is gaining influence

‘A weird mix of like Nazis and granola hippies.’

On Jan 16, 2024 by Claire Goforth

Andy Ngo speaking (l) Antifa flag with colored smoke (r)

Andy Ngô loses civil lawsuit against Portland protesters over alleged assault in 2021

An attorney argued Ngô’s attackers were never identified.

On Aug 9, 2023 by Katherine Huggins

Andy Ngo on Fox News with caption 'RADICAL 'TRANTIFA' ACTIVISTS ATTACK CONSERVATIVES' in front of red and blue city background

‘ANTIFA is back but have evolved into TRANTIFA’: Trantifa is the hot new moral panic in the right

It’s the summer’s biggest new collab.

On Jun 15, 2023 by Katherine Huggins

man with American flag punching person with Pride flag in Glendale Pride fight

Anti-Pride protest erupts in violence outside school board meeting

Three arrests were made after clashes broke out.

On Jun 7, 2023 by Mikael Thalen

hand holding phone with Twitter on screen in front of white background

‘A blatant attempt to deplatform the left’: List of 5,000-plus ‘Antifa’ Twitter accounts is circulating on Telegram

Some claim the list is being used for a mass-reporting campaign.

On Nov 26, 2022 by Jack Alban

Andy Ngo in front of dark background

Andy Ngô has long been accused of knowingly causing the subjects of his tweets to be targeted by his followers, which include mass shooters and far-right extremists. He finally admits they do

‘Caught in some lies on the stand.’

On Nov 16, 2022 by Claire Goforth

Two men standing together (L) and a woman looking into camera (R).

QAnon influencer sued, forced to apologize for falsely branding man as ‘antifa’

Tracy Beanz and the local GOP also falsely accused him of having a weapon.

On Nov 15, 2022 by Claire Goforth

San Diego DA Summer Stephan over background of San Diego police responding to altercation with Antifa flag overlay

Twisted Tea and far-right vloggers: How San Diego is waging an absurd war against antifa

San Diego’s crack down on antifa is reaching new heights.

On Jun 28, 2022 by Tina-Desiree Berg

A man wearing a mask and carrying a flag.

How fears of the ‘antifa apocalypse’ set the stage for QAnon

The two are inextricably linked.

On Feb 25, 2022 by Al Jones

portland shooting picture of police

Andy Ngo’s effort to downplay Portland shooter’s far-right ties falls apart

Andy Ngo and others rushed to frame the narrative about the deadly shooting.

On Feb 22, 2022 by Claire Goforth

Homepage article image

An article bashing antifa fell flat after everyone realized the author was an old cop

The author has been bashing antifa long before he wrote this.

On Feb 4, 2022 by Claire Goforth

man smoking in wheelchair in front of marching police in riot gear

‘I think about leaving every day’: Disabled activist says he’s been assaulted, threatened, doxed since Andy Ngo targeted him online

What happens when Andy Ngo @’s you.

On Jan 5, 2022 by Claire Goforth

A group of people marching.

‘These people have really come to support us’: Leaked audio reveals white supremacists’ partnership with prominent anti-abortion movement

An antifascist group infiltrated Patriot Front and leaked its meeting.

On Dec 14, 2021 by Claire Goforth

A protest with confederate flags.

The far-right is gaming Twitter’s new media policy to get tweets outing them taken down

Proud Boys and other far-right extremists are mass reporting accounts. Some have already been suspended.

On Dec 3, 2021 by Claire Goforth

men in proud boys shirts fire paintball guns at man in truck as others attack him from the driver's side window

Viral videos show alleged Proud Boys destroying truck of someone they thought was ‘antifa’

In one video, men in Proud Boys gear scream ‘antifa’ as they attack a man and destroy his truck.

On Aug 23, 2021 by Claire Goforth

The Daily Dot