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I filmed a sex scene before the Reddit era

I was lucky—well, lucky enough.

On by J.E. Reich

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Alleged Amanda Todd extortionist faces child porn charges

Dutch prosecutors have filed five charges against an unnamed 35-year-old man.

On by Cooper Fleishman

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Online bullies of Rehtaeh Parsons exposed

#OpJustice4Rehtaeh released the identities of 19 people in a Facebook group supporting the alleged rapists of teen suicide victim Rehtaeh Parsons.

On by Lorraine Murphy

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Who killed Audrie Pott?

Is Audrie Pott’s suicide the result of a new kind of public shaming and persecution that’s here to stay? 

On by Janet Kornblum

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Could this anti-bullying plan have saved Rehtaeh Parsons?

Maybe—if Canadian officials had followed through with it.

On by Kevin Morris

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Nova Scotia is starting to take Rehtaeh Parsons’s death seriously

Earlier today, premier Darrell Dexter announced he’d appointed a cabinet minister to oversee the government’s response to Parsons’s death. 

On by Kevin Morris

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Sex crimes and the Internet: A victim’s worst fear and best hope

Who will be the next Rehtaeh Parsons? And is the Internet making things worse, or better, or both?

On by Nicholas White

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Anonymous has the names of Rehtaeh Parsons’s alleged rapists

Anonymous may soon release the names of four teenagers who allegedly raped 15-year-old Rehtaeh Parsons in 2011.

On by Kevin Morris

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Did schools and police fail teenage rape victim Rehtaeh Parsons?

Rehtaeh Parsons was a victim of a vicious campaign of harassment and shaming by her classmates. Schools and police were either hopelessly ignorant or indifferent.

On by Kevin Morris

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After gang-rape photo goes viral, 17-year-old victim hangs herself

Thanks to Amanda Todd, we know this story all too well: Sexual abuse leads to online harassment, and as the police drag their feet, a teenage girl ends her life.

On by Kevin Morris

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What YouNow’s purchase of BlogTV means for BlogTV

This week, Smith sends a sad farewell to BlogTV and talks about what its sale to YouNow means for the business.

On by [email protected]

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Men lured into stripping online, blackmailed with pants down

Singapore police reported more than 50 cases in 2012 in which male subjects were coerced into stripping for a Web camera, only to have their actions used against them. 

On by Fernando Alfonso III

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To catch a YouTube predator

Pedophiles can exploit a loophole in YouTube’s system to actively approach young teens for explicit acts.

On by Chase Hoffberger

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What we searched for in 2012

Google tells us what the world was looking for in 2012.

On by Kevin Morris

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Teens react to Amanda Todd’s bullying story

“Teens React” producers Benny and Rafi Fine have shown they aren’t afraid to discuss serious topics, such as Amanda Todd’s suicide.

On by Michelle Jaworski

The Daily Dot