
Photo via Watchmen/DC Comics

Damen Lindelof is developing a ‘Watchmen’ series for HBO

Damen Lindelof of ‘Lost’ and ‘The Leftovers’ is adapting the cult comic for TV.


Gavia Baker-Whitelaw


Damen Lindelof, of Lost and The Leftovers is reportedly developingWatchmen series for HBO.

The acclaimed graphic novel was previously adapted in a 2009 movie by Zack Snyder. Snyder was involved with the TV adaptation as well, but has since left the project.

Lindelof is a longtime fan of the comics by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons, which are regarded to be among the best of the superhero genre. He praised Snyder’s interpretation for remaining (mostly) true to the comics, but according to the Hollywood Reporter, the HBO series will expand on what we saw in the source material. Over the past few years, DC Comics has published more comics in the Watchmen universe, even crossing over with mainstream DC characters like Batman, but we don’t know if this new canon will be incorporated into Lindelof’s work.

Alan Moore, who retired last year and was not overly satisfied by other adaptations of his work, will not be involved.

The series is currently in the early stages of development, so it will be a while before we hear more news about Lindelof’s vision, or any information about casting choices. Watchmen could potentially take over as HBO’s next big-budget drama after Game of Thrones.

The Daily Dot