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Cut your own game soundtracks with Steam Music Player

Want to play Half-Life 2 with a better soundtrack? Valve has your back. 


Dennis Scimeca


Valve recently unveiled a new way to find games you’ll love in Steam’s massive library. Now they’re making sure you have excellent soundtracks for them.

Yesterday, Valve announced the Steam Music Player. This new update to its digital distribution service allows users to set up custom playlists using mp3 files stored on their hard drive. The music player can be accessed and manipulated while a player is in-game, versus having to suspend the game to switch to another window.

This new addition to Steam arrives on the heels of Steam Discovery, a system that makes game recommendations based on what your friends are playing, your purchase history, and what you spend the most time playing. 

Not all games put a ton of attention into the music scores, and that’s usually appropriate. No one plays Call of Duty multiplayer for the music. Civilization isn’t a game known for its soundtracks. You might sit down for marathon sessions of either game, however, and some appropriate background tracks could improve the experience. 

Especially if you’re playing online multiplayer, and you’re someone who gets in a better state of flow with music. Every little bit helps when you’re working on your Kill/Death ratio.

Valve is also offering the soundtracks for Half-Life 2 and Portal 2 for free, and 75 percent off on related games, until Oct. 1, in a promotion for the Music Player.

Image courtesy of Valve

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