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DC Comics editor fired after BuzzFeed report exposes multiple sexual assault complaints

Years after employees first complained to HR, Berganza has been fired.


Sarah Weber


DC Comics’ tolerance for sexual misconduct claims against longtime editor Eddie Berganza has apparently run out. The company issued a statement Monday afternoon saying Berganza has been fired.

Berganza was for years the subject of sexual misconduct rumors in the comics industry, but his departure from the company comes after BuzzFeed published a story on Friday chronicling complaints against him. In the report, three women—two of them former DC Comics employees—described incidents in which Berganza attempted to forcibly touch and kiss them. Two of the women and at least three other employees said they brought concerns about Berganza to HR in 2010 when he was being considered for a promotion to executive editor. DC promoted Berganza anyway and later demoted—but retained—him after another incident at WonderCon in 2012 in which Berganza reportedly shoved his tongue into a woman’s mouth in a hotel lobby surrounded by multiple witnesses.

“Warner Bros and DC Entertainment have terminated the employment of DC Comics Group Editor Eddie Berganza,” DC Entertainment said in a statement. “We are committed to eradicating harassment and ensuring that all employees, as well as our freelance community, are aware of our policies, are comfortable reporting any concerns and feel supported by our Company.”

DC Comics launched a review and suspended Berganza on Saturday before firing him today.

H/T BuzzFeed 

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