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‘The Matrix’ in 8-bit is better than the original

Who needs special effects?


Mike Fenn


The 8-bit geniuses at CineFix, who brought Kill Bill and Anchorman to simplified, nostalgic life, are at it again. This time, they have removed all of the revolutionary special effects—and wooden Keanu Reeves acting—to bring us The Matrix.

The video begins, of course, as the movie did, with that all-too-important life choice.


From there, Neo and Morpheus fight agents and even talk to the Oracle. Needless to say, the film’s iconic gun battle with Neo dodging bullets at an impossible angle is very much intact.

Since Keanu Reeves seems to work best as a flat, 2D character, maybe CineFix can tackle The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix: Revolutions next.

Screengrab via CineFix/YouTube

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