Have you ever wondered whether your bartender secretly judges you based on the drink you ordered? One dive bar bartender has answered that question in a viral video where she spills the tea on what she thinks about her patrons.
The video, which has recently resurfaced on a clone account and is gaining traction, accumulating over 153,200 views, was originally posted by TikTok user Morgan (@morganroos96) on Jan. 22, 2022.
In the video, the bartender shares her impressions of patrons based on their drink orders, which range from lemon drop shots to Budweiser.
“If you order lemon drop shots for me, I think you are way too hot to be here,” she says in the video. “I’m looking at you being like, ‘There’s gotta be something wrong upstairs.’ There’s no way a girl that looks like you would hang out in a sh*thole like this. Like, are you damaged?”
The bartender goes on to describe her regulars, the Budweiser drinkers, as likely having “one-syllable white guy” names. “You’re another bartender. The sh*thole I work at is your like after-hours spot when you guys get off. You’re gonna … grill me on what my Mai Tai specs are, like I have any … idea.”
@morganroos96 What I think about you based off what you order at my dive bar #greenscreen #divebar #bartender #denver #divebarstorytime #whatithinkyoulooklikebasedon #serviceindustry #storytime #fyp ♬ original sound – Morgan Roos
If you drink Rumple, according to Morgan, you’re also probably a bartender. “But you’re like the fun side of bartending. Where you’re like, ‘I literally hate this job, but I love money, and I’ve been sucked into this for years to come. And I don’t have a degree, so I really don’t have any options,’” she adds.
“If you order a Long Island, I’m sorry. I … hate you,” she confesses in the video. “At our bar, they’re only $8, and we pour them strong as sh*t. We call ’em strong islands. You’re gonna get absolute sh*t housed, you’re going to make an absolute a** of yourself.”
And finally, for the martini drinkers, she says, “I’m gonna think you’re f*cking lost if you order a martini for me. I’m going to ask you what makes you think that in this sh*thole, we would have stemware? What makes you think we would have olives and third off, like what makes you think I know what’s in that?”
In the comments section, many viewers shared their own experiences with the drinks mentioned. One user wrote, “God I looove lemon drops but everyone assumes I’m like 20 when I get them.” Another commented, “Started drinking Rumpies working in the service industry, then never stopped.”
Those working in the service industry also shared their agreement. One of them said, “as a Jameson drinking dive bartender this is so real.”
The Daily Dot reached out to Morgan via TikTok direct messages for comment.