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Train-travelling Jack Russell Terrier rescued via Twitter

Patch boarded the 6:49am train all by himself at Kilcock’s Irish Rail station, which posted about the dog from its official Twitter handle. 


Kevin Collier


It’s an incredible journey for the Twitter age: An Irish woman has been reunited with her train-travelling Jack Russell Terrier thanks to a single tweet.

Deirdre Anglin of Kilcock discovered Tuesday evening that her dog, Patch, had gone missing. A casual Twitter user, Anglin only posted announcements of Patch’s absence on Facebook.

Patch, meanwhile, wandered to Kilcock’s Irish Rail station, where he boarded the 6:49am train. Passengers quickly discovered him and brought him to train agents, who nicknamed him “Checker,” as if he wanted to check passengers’ tickets.

The official Irish Rail Twitter account, which frequently responds to customers’ questions about scheduling, soon tweeted Patch’s photo, with the caption: “Lost dog!”

“I follow them, as I’m a regular rail user,” Aglin told the Daily Dot.

The photo was retweeted more than 500 times, including retweets by some of Anglin’s friends. Twenty-seven minutes later, the message reached Anglin. She tweeted back: “that’s my dog!”

A little over an hour later, Anglin posted a photo of her safely rescued pup, adding, “Thanks to everyone involved in getting patch back to us.”

Since then Aglin’s sister has created the inevitable @patchtraveldog account, who tweets gems like “glad to be home!!!” and “can i have the leftovers please???”

“Patch needed to thank everyone himself,” Anglin explained.

Photo via @IrishRai

The Daily Dot