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Scottish couple’s steamy emails accidentally sent to entire company

One office romance backfired after an email thread was mistakenly forwarded in a company-wide message. 


Chase Hoffberger


Scottish lovebirds Melanie Anderson and Eric Knisz are two ace sexy mofos who are madly in love and definitely havin’ sex. Today the whole world knows.

That’s because Anderson, a receptionist at a Scottish oil company—where, whoops, Knisz also happens to work—mistakenly sent a steamy-as-Scotsmen-can-get email exchange between the two to their entire staff of colleagues yesterday afternoon around lunch time.

The exchange details Wednesday night’s “session” in somewhat elaborate detail, as the two discuss its “ace”-ness and certain degrees of, um, readiness that you should probably keep from your kids.

According to The Scotsman, the email leaked in Anderson’s attempt to notify the company that a sandwich van had arrived on the premises. She sent the wrong one. The rest is history.

Company HR director Bruce Webster said the couple was “absolutely mortified” and apologized for any offenses they caused. The two have reportedly resigned.

Photo via Ken Wilcox/Twitter

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