Trump Jose Canseco Chief of Staff

Gage Skidmore/Flickr (CC-BY-SA) Jason Bond/YouTube

Jose Canseco takes a swing at becoming Trump’s next chief of staff

A dark horse candidate?


Andrew Wyrich


Former Major League Baseball player Jose Canseco threw his hat into the ring to be considered as President Donald Trump‘s next chief of staff.

As the president continues to try and find a candidate to replace the soon-to-be-departing Chief of Staff John Kelly, Canseco used his Twitter account to tell Trump he has a “secret reorg plan already” and would focus on helping the president with his work out routine.

“Hey little buddy @realDonaldTrump u need a bash brother for Chief if Staff. Got a secret reorg plan already. Also worried about you looking more like a Twinkie everyday. I will buff you up daily workouts. DM me. #yeswecanseco,” Canseco wrote late Wednesday.

Jose Canseco Trump Chief Of Staff Tweet

Trump’s search for his next chief of staff has been fraught with speculation after the supposed replacement, Nick Ayers, bowed out of consideration.

While it may seem like a long shot that Canseco will be heading to the White House, he wouldn’t be the only baseball-related person to reportedly be considered. Randy Levine, the president of the New York Yankees, was tossed around as a replacement by MSNBC.

Levine told the New York Daily News that he had not been contacted about the job.

Canseco does have a bit of a history with the president, as he starred in a season of The Celebrity Apprentice, a show Trump hosted before he ran for office.

This also isn’t the only job in the Trump administration the former baseball player has lobbied for on Twitter.

In October, he tweeted at the president saying he wanted to work for the United Nations, promising a “confidential 90 day plan.” In June, he tweeted that he wanted to be a “starfleet commander” in Trump’s “Space Force.”

In 2016, Canseco also asked the president to give him “control of the Fed” and said he would be “open” to being chosen as the United States’s ambassador to Cuba.

The idea of Canseco joining Trump in the White House did amuse some.

Canseco will likely strikeout in his attempt to become the next chief of staff, as the president is adamantly against working out.


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