tom brady supplement


Tom Brady faces backlash over ‘immunity blend supplement’

People accused him of trying to bank off the coronavirus.


Trinady Joslin


Tom Brady, the celebrity NFL quarterback, on Monday announced the latest installment in his wellness brand TB12. The supplement, called Protect, was “created to support a healthy immune system to help you stay strong,” Brady tweeted.

The website lists 60 capsules for $45. People on Twitter called out Brady, who has a history of creating and promoting medically unsound products, for taking advantage of health concerns amid the coronavirus pandemic.

A comment from @VonAllenSports on Twitter defended Brady’s release and said people should use “common sense” to understand that it isn’t a cure for the coronavirus. @SarahGrynpas disagreed.

“Yes, the fact that a team of lawyers figured out juuust the right phrasing so he can’t be sued, means he wasn’t trying to imply it could be useful in a viral pandemic,” she tweeted in response.

The supplement has five major ingredients: vitamin C, zinc, larch tree extract, elderberry (fruit) powder, and Wellmune (yeast beta-glucan). 

According to the TB12 website, these ingredients are “clinically studied” and “innovative.” The website says vitamin C and zinc manage inflammation and repair damaged tissue, elderberry strengthens immune cells, and beta-glucan and larch tree extract increase white blood circulation to replenish anti-bodies and support the immune system.

Vitamin C and zinc are both more common elements, and both help do what the supplement promises, according to Medical News Today. 

According to WebMD, Elderberry “may” boost the immune system, but it isn’t proven. 

Beta-glucan can help boost the immune system when people whose bodies have been weakened by things like stress or chemotherapy take it by mouth, according to WebMD. Larch tree extract may help boost the immune system, but more research is needed to confirm the rate of effectiveness, according to WebMD. 

After seeing Brady’s product on Twitter, primary care dietitian @LalithaTaylor wasn’t convinced the supplement was necessary.

“Healthy price tag on an unnecessary supplement,” she tweeted. “Intense training workout sessions may warrant more Vitamin C to help with recovery—this can be achieved through diet or OTC supplement (200 to 500 mg).”

Brady recently left the Patriots after a 20 season stint and six SuperBowl championships. While some fans were initially sad to see him go, @ToriLaC isn’t so upset about the quarterback’s transfer anymore.

Others on Twitter have started to compare Brady with Gwyneth Paltrow, whose lifestyle brand Goop sells vagina eggs and candles.

“This man is Gwyneth Paltrow in football pads,” @alex_kirshner tweeted.

With an estimated net worth of $180 million, not to mention his international supermodel Gisele Bundchen wife’s $400 million, some are wondering why Brady chooses to spend time on the supplements at all.


H/T USA Today

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