horoscope app

Marco Verch/Flickr Mercury Retrograde/Google Play (CC-BY) Luis Colindres

The 7 best horoscope apps to start your day off right

These apps—and the stars—will make you believe.


Grace Speas


Other than romance (which we have confirmed is dead, save for dating apps), astrology is the closest thing we have to magic. Whether or not you’re a true believer, a good horoscope reading can set the mood for your entire day. Even better if you know it’s coming from a reliable source—you don’t even have to leave the comfort of your bed to check your favorite horoscope app.

Whether you’re hardcore into astrology or you’re just starting out, here’s our list of the best paid and free horoscope apps to see what the stars have in store for you.

Which horoscope app should you choose?

1) Co-Star Personalized Astrology

astrology app
Co-Star/Apple ITunes

Price: Free

What users love: Reading detailed, extensive natal charts

Co-Star is the first astrology app powered by artificial intelligence. With technology from NASA, you know it’s legit. The app tracks users complete birth charts to personalize a horoscope by using three key details—birth date, birth time, and birthplace. In fact, natal charts matter so much that if you think your reading for the day is off,  Co-Star recommends that you “text your mom to confirm your birth time.”

It’s worth noting that the app can be overwhelming for beginners, as it’s far more detailed than a basic daily horoscope. Co-Star examines your psychic difficulties as well as your partnerships, work, and health. According to the app, these elements are constantly changing with the planetary movements. Co-Star provides new insights as the planets move in real-time. Users can also add friends or a significant other via the app to track your compatibility.

horoscope app : co-star

2) The DailyHoroscope

astrology app

Price: Free

What users love: Simplicity and Chinese yearly horoscopes

The beauty of DailyHoroscope is that it gets straight to the point. This is especially great for beginners seeking a concise, short paragraph on the direction of their day. DailyHoroscope’s homepage shows you a grid of the astrological signs with symbols. Once you click on the horoscope of the day, you can swipe left to see past horoscopes and right for weekly and monthly readings. If you’re interested in the Chinese zodiac, click on the animal of the year you were born and the app will show you your reading for the year and some of the challenges heading your way. For a free app, advertising pop-ups are minimal and not completely distracting, which is certainly a bonus.


3) Susan Miller’s Astrology Zone

astrology app
Phunware, Inc/Apple ITunes

Price: Free

What users love: Expert astrologer Susan Miller’s personalized horoscopes

Susan Miller is a seasoned expert when it comes to astrology, and with good reason. She’s been running her own astrology app for over 10 years, according to the Cut. Miller previously crafted horoscopes for Astrology Zones Premier before creating Astrology Zone. AstrologyZone.com attracts millions of visitors per month with free horoscopes. The app provides users with the same expert monthly horoscopes as well as videos and Twitter updates. According to some of her biggest fans, Miller’s horoscopes boast a personalized touch that other readings don’t, which is a plus. If you can’t afford a personal astrological expert, at least you can keep Susan in your pocket.

4) Future Life: Modern Horoscopes 

astrology apps
Science Mobile/Apple ITunes

Price: Free

What users love: Run by faith-based astrologer “The Leo King” 

Future Life user reviews suggest nothing other than reliability. David Palmer, otherwise known as “The Leo King,” is the “Universe’s Most Aspiring Astrologer,” according to AstrologyHub. Palmer offers his astrology expertise through both an app and website, TheLeoKing.com. “David always puts God first in the horoscope and uses astrology to connect people to God in the highest way,” an excerpt from the site reads. In an App Store review, one user writes: “I love your faith in God and it fits my life and views perfectly.” If you’re looking for solid, eccentric, faith-based readings, give Future Life a try.

5) TimePassages

best horoscope app : timepassages
AstroGraph Software/Apple ITunes

Price: Free (Pro version available for $29.99)

What users love: Affordable additional features and in-app purchases

Similar to Co-Star, TimePassages also calculates the users’ horoscope using their entire natal chart. However, your natal chart is a one-time, in-app purchase. One user review reads: “I find the interpretations very accurate with a humanitarian depth that is both microscopic and macroscopic at the same time.” If you don’t feel like buying the Pro version, there are a few affordable in-app purchases that also customize the experience for users. TimePassages is only available for iOS products, so Android users are out of luck for now.

6) AstroSage Kundli

free horoscope app : astrosage kundli
AstroGraph Software/Apple ITunes

Price: Free

What users love: Expertise in Vedic Astrology

Vedic Astrology, or Indian or Hindu astrology, refers to a zodiac system that was documented in the Vedic scriptures. This system is also known as “Jyotish”—the science of light. Basically, Vedic astrology tracks astral light patterns to determine destiny. Vedic astrology is said to have a greater predictive accuracy than Western astrology due to a unique system of planetary ruling periods. This system uses the fixed zodiac rather than the moving zodiac of Western astrology. So if you’re having trouble with accuracy on other apps, try switching to AstroSage Kundlii. Along with a solid reading for your sign, the app also has a unique “Baby Names Report” feature for expectant parents.


7) Mercury Retrograde

astrology apps : mercury retrograde
Findyourfate.com/Apple ITunes

Price: Free

What users love: Full-time Mercury retrograde tracking

So what’s the deal with Mercury going retrograde? Like a full moon, Mercury in retrograde is infamous for making everything go awry. But many astrologists attest that Mercury retrograde periods can allow you to increase your productivity and avoid frustrations. Astrologer Susan Miller advises her fans to “plan important personal and professional events when Mercury goes direct.” The Mercury Retrograde app helps you avoid all the potential downfalls of mercury’s positioning.

Editor’s note: This article is regularly updated for relevance. 

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The Daily Dot