Finding your nearly identical “double” isn’t that unusual, given that there are 7 billion people on the planet, but it’s certainly cool enough to discover that it would be worth taking a picture and putting it online. But what if, once you did, you discovered that you had a triple? And a quadruple? And a quintuple? And they just kept coming?
That’s what’s happening to Santana Gutierrez, a college student from San Diego, after she met her doppelgänger at the mall.
I found my literal doppelgänger just now wtf
— santana #blm (@santanaa_g) September 24, 2016
That’s Santana on the right, and her first lookalike, Isobel, on the left. After Santana put their selfie online in September, people started tagging their friends who also looked nearly identical to the two girls.
okay you also really look like my friend @itsallyduhh 👯 how many dopples do u have?! 😂😱😱
— Jackie | Content Creator / Mentor (@JackieHollywood) January 9, 2017
are you sure it's not @allyholtt ???
— Lexi (@LexiMaurins) January 4, 2017
It would be one thing if there were just one or two, but it didn’t stop there. Months later, the uncanny clone club is still growing, and this is starting to look like a real-life Orphan Black.
you guys should start a cult or something
— Paige✨ (@PaigeOlivia_73) January 6, 2017
@allyholtt If you guys are ever in need of a clone phone hit us up.
— Orphan Black: Echoes (@OrphanBlack) January 4, 2017
What the heck is going on here? According to, Santana asked her parents if she had any secret relatives they hadn’t told her about, but they told her no. This is either a secret cloning initiative or just a really cool coincidence.
Santana told BuzzFeed she’d like to get all the doppelgängers together in person to take one amazing photo, maybe even wearing the same outfits.
But how would we tell them apart?