Trump National Emergency Twitter

The White House/YouTube

Trump does Chinese accent, declares national emergency, bewilders the internet

Trump touched on a wide range of seemingly unrelated topics before the announcement.


Andrew Wyrich


President Donald Trump announced on Friday morning that he formally declared a national emergency as a mechanism to build his long-desired wall along the country’s southern border.

However, the president announced his decision during a free-wheeling, half-hour long press conference where he spoke about a number of topics including China, trade deals, the economy, and the size of his crowd during a rally in El Paso, Texas, among other things.

The announcement was made without a teleprompter, which left the president starting the highly anticipated remarks by discussing a variety of typical talking points that had nothing to do with the southern border.

The wide range of things the president spoke about that was added to the national emergency declaration was not lost on people on Twitter, many of whom criticized the president for it.

At one point, Trump went on a sing-songy tangent about how the courts would handle his national emergency.

He also mocked Chinese President Xi Jinping while discussing fentanyl, saying “We give death penalty.”

Meanwhile, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (D-N.Y.) and Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-Texas) are planning on using Congress to push back against the emergency declaration. The Hill reports the two lawmakers are planning on introducing a bill that would block it.


The Daily Dot