President Donald Trump next to an old tweet

News 19 WLTX/YouTube Donald Trump/Twitter Mikael Thalen

Trump’s 2014 tweet about ‘winners and losers’ comes back to haunt him

‘He literally has a a hypocritical tweet for every situation.’


Mikael Thalen


Yet another one of President Donald Trump’s old tweets has come back to haunt him as Americans eagerly await the results of the 2020 election.

While the president has spent much of the last two days calling into question the integrity of the race, Twitter users were able to find a 2014 tweet from Trump about the difference between winners and losers.

“What separates the winners from the losers is how a person reacts to each new twist of fate,” Trump said.

The president has arguably reacted poorly to the unsurprising news that many mail-in votes appear to have been cast for Biden.

Twitter users were quick to remind Trump about his years-old remark just as his campaign filed numerous lawsuits in a failed attempt to have counting stopped in states where he’s fallen behind. “He literally has a hypocritical tweet for every situation,” @WeArmourAmara said.

Others argued that the president is in fact a loser, according to his own definition. “Can’t say he’s wrong,” @hjessy_ said.

Some even used Trump’s iconic “You’re fired” catchphrase from his former reality TV show The Apprentice, while others noted how poorly his tweets tend to age. “This aged well,” @HeyBuckHey added.

The old tweet likewise caused celebration among Biden supporters, who are increasingly convinced that Trump will ultimately lose the election. “The biggest loser,” @BRentToderian wrote.

The presidential election has caused many of Trump’s tweets to go viral once again. Another unearthed tweet from 2012 even showed Trump claiming that recounts would be used by an incumbent to steal an election.

“We don’t want to have a recount in any of the battleground states,” Trump said at the time. “Obama will steal it. Make sure all your friends and family vote.”

As more votes are counted and a winner becomes clear in the coming hours and days, other old and relevant Trump tweets will undoubtedly resurface as well.

The Daily Dot