President Donald Trump took a victory lap on Twitter on Wednesday morning the day after his historic meeting with North Korea's leader Kim Jung-un, blasting people who have criticized him in the past.


Trump takes extended victory lap on Twitter for North Korea summit

Trump is very pleased with himself.


Andrew Wyrich


President Donald Trump took a victory lap on Twitter on Wednesday morning, the day after his historic meeting with North Korea‘s leader Kim Jung-un, and blasted people who have criticized him in the past.

On Tuesday, the president and North Korea signed an agreement that aims to denuclearize the Korean peninsula. In exchange, the United States pledged to make unspecified “security guarantees” and stop joint military exercises with South Korea. The United States also showed the North Koreans a movie trailer-style video of what the country could be in the future–which culminated in the president speculating about hotels and condos being built on the country’s “great” beaches.

In a series of tweets on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, Trump reveled in the aftermath of the meeting, and seemed upset not everyone was heaping as much praise on him as he feels he deserves.

“The World has taken a big step back from potential Nuclear catastrophe! No more rocket launches, nuclear testing or research! The hostages are back home with their families. Thank you to Chairman Kim, our day together was historic!” he wrote, later adding: “A year ago the pundits & talking heads, people that couldn’t do the job before, were begging for conciliation and peace – ‘please meet, don’t go to war.’ Now that we meet and have a great relationship with Kim Jong Un, the same haters shout out, ‘you shouldn’t meet, do not meet!’”

On Wednesday morning, he continued:

“Just landed – a long trip, but everybody can now feel much safer than the day I took office. There is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea. Meeting with Kim Jong Un was an interesting and very positive experience. North Korea has great potential for the future! Before taking office people were assuming that we were going to War with North Korea. President Obama said that North Korea was our biggest and most dangerous problem. No longer – sleep well tonight! We save a fortune by not doing war games, as long as we are negotiating in good faith – which both sides are!”

It’s unclear what negativity the president was responding to, but he continued later in the morning.

It’s also worth noting that much of the hand-wringing about going “to war” came as Trump and the North Korean leader exchanged an escalating war-of-words last year when the president promised to rain down “fire and fury” and “totally destroy” the country.

The fears of war grew so heated that at one point the island territory of Guam sent out a warning to residents about what to do in the event of a missile strike.


The Daily Dot