President Donald Trump no longer follows right-wing pundit Ann Coulter on Twitter, just hours after she called him 'gutless' over his border wall.

Gage Skidmore/Flickr (CC-BY-SA) Gage Skidmore/Flickr (CC-BY-SA)

Did Trump unfollow Ann Coulter after her tweets about the border wall?

Coulter had just called him ‘gutless.’


Andrew Wyrich


President Donald Trump doesn’t follow many people on Twitter—so when he decides to unfollow someone, it’s pretty apparent.

The latest person Trump dropped from his timeline is right-wing pundit Ann Coulter, who just hours before the unceremonious unfollow blasted the president for his handling of the wall on the country’s southern border.

On Wednesday afternoon, Coulter—in a blog post on her website—called the president “gutless” because he has yet to deliver on his campaign promise to build the border wall.

“It is now crystal clear that one of two things is true: Either Trump never intended to build the wall and was scamming voters all along, or he has no idea how to get it done and zero interest in finding out,” she wrote.

Coulter also saw the wall as imperative to Trump’s chances of re-election in 2020.

“On the basis of his self-interest alone, he must know that if he doesn’t build the wall, he has zero chance of being re-elected and a 100 percent chance of being utterly humiliated,” she wrote.

She also tweeted out a link to the post (which seemingly would have come up in the president’s feed).

A few hours later, @TrumpsAlert, a Twitter bot that tracks follows, likes, and other activity among the Trump family, noticed that the president’s Twitter account either unfollowed or blocked Coulter.

The president now follows 45 people on Twitter.


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