

Video shows 4 Trump supporters assaulting man who hit their truck with flashlight

There’s no audio, but the overlayed caption reads, ‘Trump’s America.’


Kahron Spearman


A viral Reddit video from Monday shows four Trump supporters assailing a man in broad daylight in Tucson, Arizona.

The attack occurred amid a local Pro-Trump caravan, similar to other antagonistic parades happening across the country before Election Day. The video starts with a man being savagely beaten down, as she tries to cover his head and face. One of the men is shirtless and hitting the man with a flashlight.

However, within the video shown, there’s no context as to how the assault commenced, nor why. There’s no audio, but the overlayed caption reads, “Trump’s America.”

According to the OP, u/gumbykook, the “assault on Alvernon between Speedway and 5th that occurred at 3:06 pm on Nov 2, 2020. If anyone has any information that could help police identify the assailants please forward it to me or local law enforcement.”

The poster also provided an information-filled update on the victim on the post:

“For everyone asking me for context! I was contacted directly by the victim because he wanted to thank me for bringing attention to the assault. He has a fractured eye, fractured jaw, and fractured sinuses, with contusions to his chest and bruising all over the body. He also said that they choked him and he remembers not being able to breathe. He says that details are fuzzy because he blacked out for ~20 minutes afterwards.”

As far as the details leading to the video: He reportedly walked across the crosswalk and smacked the bumper of a “Trump Train” truck with his flashlight (the black flashlight in the video was originally in his possession). The men exited the truck, chased him down, screaming, “You want to hit my truck!?” When they reached him, he said that his memory of what happens became very spotty, but apparently, they took his flashlight, knocked him down, and some of the rest of it was captured in the video.

“There were witnesses who gave statements to the police, and one of them supposedly gave them the truck’s plate number. They appear to be confident that they can track the men down,” the video uploader wrote.

There’s no report of the Trump supporters being found or arrested.

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