Merrick Garland Donald Trump

Senate Democrats/Flickr (CC-BY) Michael Vadon/Flickr (CC-BY)

People are pleading with Trump to nominate Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court



Andrew Wyrich


Moments after Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy announced he would retire next month—thus giving President Donald Trump another shot at nominating a conservative justice to the nation’s highest court—people online suggested the president take a different route and instead push for “civility” by nominating a name plenty of people are familiar with: Merrick Garland.


Garland was President Barack Obama nominee before the 2016 election, and was blocked by Republicans in the Senate, hoping to get a conservative on the court.

They succeeded—and even though they’ll do it again—that hasn’t stopped centrist dweebs from pleading with the president on Twitter to make a move to the middle.

While some people are hoping for some sort of hypothetical compromise and civility in politics, others have already called on Democrats to try and block any Supreme Court nominee Trump sets forward.

Other people online are demanding that Democrats only vote for, surprise, Garland.

Basically, the fight on Twitter was exactly what you’d expect.

Then there’s this.

None of this will happen. Trump will almost assuredly nominate a staunchly conservative justice to the Supreme Court, to solidify a right-leaning court for the foreseeable future.

And Democrats will cave. In fact, they already have.

So yes, of course Trump will pick Garland instead of getting exactly what he wants.


The Daily Dot