Donald trump over chick-fil-a

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Trump’s ’30 milkshakes and some chicken’ order at Chick-fil-A astounds

Trump’s campaign stop was quickly spread online as evidence of his man-of-the-people credentials


Marlon Ettinger


“Get ready for some milkshakes,” former President Donald Trump told workers at a Chick-fil-A branch in Atlanta on Wednesday ahead of a fundraiser with local business leaders and supporters for his 2024 presidential campaign.

The chummy visit, where Trump bantered warmly with workers and turned up the charm, was quickly spread by Trump’s campaign on X, where it met with a warm reception from conservative posters, who saw the videos as evidence that Trump is a genuine, down-to-earth man of the people.

“What good looking people,” Trump told a group of workers at the restaurant before ordering 30 milkshakes and some chicken to be passed out to customers at the franchise, which is on Martin Luther King Jr. Drive SW in the Vine City area, reported Fox 5 Atlanta.

“Business is good? Making a lot of money? Getting rich, right?” Trump asked the employees, who laughed at the comments.

“It’s a great franchise, the owner is a great man, who’s a member of one of my clubs, and he’s fantastic,” Trump told an interviewer off camera. “Yeah, they do very well—and they’re closed on Sundays.”

“It’s the Lord’s chicken!” another man shouted off camera.

“It’s the Lord’s chicken, you’re right,” Trump said. “It’s good chicken too.”

Trump’s shmoozing and campaigning got a good reception from his supporters on X, many of whom described him as the People’s president after the appearance.

“He does a great job in these situations,” posted @Arlin4US

“This is the people’s president,” added @wealth_turtle.

“Total class. We need him now more than ever,” wrote @ltime778.

“He is a man of the people,” added @Tim56525625.

Trump was in Atlanta for a $6,600-a-plate fundraiser, reported the Georgia Recorder.

According to the paper, former senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler, Home Depot co-founder Bernie Marcus, non-Chic-fil-A chicken billionaire Tommy Bagwell, and beverage bigwig Don Leebern III are among the expected attendees.

Beyond the $6,600 a plate buy-in, supporters who want a photo op with Trump at the fundraiser will have to pay $25,000 a pop, the Recorder reported.

Biden won Georgia in 2020, but Trump is slightly ahead in polls right now.

And while some posters saw Trump’s Chick-fil-A visit as a smarmy, glad-handing photo op, others thought that the casual visit was a good look for him in the Peach State.

“He just picked up about a dozen more votes in ATL!” posted @CleSportsFan34.

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