Michelle Wolf White House Correspondents Dinner


Comedian rips everybody at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner—and the internet is inflamed

Michelle Wolf targeted everybody. But she was especially harsh to the right.


Josh Katzowitz


If you thought people were divided over previous White House Correspondents’ Dinners, you probably didn’t see the performance of comedian Michelle Wolf on Saturday—or read the online reaction to it.

It’s safe to say that after Wolf’s performance, which scorched everybody in the political spectrum, set a new high (or low) for political vulgarities. And that’s just the way Wolf wanted it.

Michelle Wolf Sean Spicer White House Correspondents Dinner

Wolf started it off with this joke, “Here we are at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner. Like a porn star says when about to have sex with [Donald] Trump: Let’s get this over with,” and from there, the barbs flew. Wolf didn’t hold back, blasting Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders directly to her face, saying Trump is the “one pussy you’re not allowed to grab,” and recreating Jake Tapper’s face when he orgasms.

She also targeted the media, saying that Trump “has helped you sell your papers, and books, and TV. You helped create this monster and now you’re profiting off of him.”

And the internet was mixed in her performance and the content of her jokes (remember: Wolf is a comedian telling jokes).





For the second straight year, Trump didn’t attend the dinner, opting instead for a rally in Michigan. But he weighed in on Wolf’s performance.

Watch Wolf’s entire performance below.

And as Wolf quipped, “I’m here to make jokes. I have no agenda. I’m not trying to get anything accomplished. So, everyone who’s here from Congress: You should feel right at home.”

The Daily Dot