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Sen. Marco Rubio literally said the same anti-Obama line 4 times during the GOP debate

And Chris Christie called him out on it.


William Turton


Running for president of the United States is tough. You have to smile constantly, never say the wrong thing, kiss a million babies, and travel non-stop for more than a year. 

But this whole campaigning thing may have finally gotten to Sen. Marco Rubio during Saturday night’s weird GOP debate.

The Florida Republican, often considered one of the most viable alternatives to poll-leading candidates Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), seemed to get stuck on repeat with a line hitting President Barack Obama for what Rubio described as his intentional dismantling of American greatness.

That’s right: He repeated the same point four times during tonight GOP debate, even as New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie relentlessly attacked him for dishing out canned lines to voters.

Here’s the full clip of Christie taking on Rubio head on, making Rubio tilt for the rest of the debate:

Photo via Gage Skidmore/Flickr (CC BY SA 2.0)

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