A Fox News anchor was unaware that she was on live television when she reacted to a pundit’s claim that President-elect Joe Biden hadn’t actually won the election.
The moment was captured during an interview on Monday when Cleta Mitchell, a Washington, D.C.-based lawyer, suggested to Fox News host Trace Gallagher that President Donald Trump may have defeated Biden.
“Remember, just because CNN or even Fox News says who’s president doesn’t make them president,” Mitchell said.
Gallagher co-host Sandra Smith, who was unaware that she was still being broadcasted, reacted with a perplexed look before refuting the guest’s claims.
“What?!” Smith said.
When Gallagher declined to push back on Mitchell’s false claim, Smith became even more visibly frustrated.
“What is happening?” Smith asked. “Like Trace…We’ve called it.”
It remains unclear whether Mitchell or Gallagher were able to hear Smith, although neither responded to her remarks.
The video stirred a wide-range of reactions online, with many celebrating Smith’s stance.
“Sandra Smith is all of us, @chocol8nut said.
But the vast majority of responses were from outraged Trump supporters, who accused Smith of showing her true colors.
“These fake news losers are so close to extinction,” @OldHick17800719 said.
The president’s supporters also called on their fellow conservatives to boycott Fox News, pointing instead to outlets such as OANN and Newsmax as sources that wouldn’t dare criticize Trump.
“So glad Fox News is no longer on in my home,” @BeachCity55 said.
Despite the president’s repeated claims, no evidence has shown that widespread voter fraud altered the outcome of the 2020 election.
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