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Sellers approve of Etsy fee restructure

Etsy’s giving sellers exactly what they asked for.


Lauren Rae Orsini


Etsy sellers have had much to protest in passing weeks, but when it comes to the e-commerce community’s latest feature, there’s no fault to be found.

Etsy has changed its fee structure to avoid penalizing sellers for having unlimited or multiple quantities of items available in their shops. An official blog post by Natalie Schwartz, Etsy’s product marketing manager, explains how the changes will affect sellers and buyers:

“Currently when sellers list their items on Etsy, they pay $0.20 USD per quantity up front when the listing is published. (For example: I have six handmade mugs. If I list with a quantity of six, then my listing costs $1.20 USD right away.) Many sellers instead choose to list a quantity of one to avoid fees for unsold items, and to reduce the cost of renewing. This can confuse shoppers (maybe they want to buy six as part of a wedding registry but only one is listed!), and sellers are stuck manually watching and renewing sold-out listings. With the new system, sellers can add as many items as they have in stock or are able to make, and shoppers can check out easily and add their desired quantity to the order.”

This is a much awaited feature for many sellers, hundreds of whom have been requesting it in the Etsy forums since October. A new thread has opened up for sellers to express their gratitude.

The new tool is not a cost saving mechanism, but a multiple listing tool that sellers will actually use,” Karen and Tina wrote. “Many customers walk away or don’t bother to convo for increased quantities and now we will be able to catch those people in our nets. If I had a nickel for every customer who told me that she wished I had more in the listing, I’d be a millionaire.”

The fee restructuring is also retroactive, some sellers have been happy to discover.

“Just popping in to say I’m delighted to get back to the computer and find I’ve been ‘refunded’ a little on multiples I had listed awhile back!” Minipotterybyanita wrote.

Etsy Product Manager Eric Stephens let sellers in the forums know the feature will be available to all shops by Friday, May 25.

This wave of positivity is a refreshing change for Etsy. Since April, the “handmade marketplace” has had its share of turmoil surrounding a featured collective accused of reselling factory products, causing the staff and community to clash on the site.

Photo by MaisonMaudie

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