enrique tarro at proud boys rally

Doug Brown Media/Twitter

Proud Boy Enrique Tarrio pleads guilty to burning Black Lives Matter flag

Tarrio also pled guilty in another unrelated case.


David Covucci


This afternoon, the United States Attorney’s Office in Washington, D.C. announced that Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio pled guilty to charges in two cases, including when he was involved in burning a Black Lives Matter flag during protests before President Joe Biden’s inauguration.

Tarrio pled guilty to one count of destruction of property for his role in burning the flag, which was stolen by Proud Boys from Asbury United Methodist Church in December 2020.

Tarrio had admitted to the charges on Parler after his arrest, saying that while he was involved, it was not a hate crime as alleged. The U.S. Attorney noted his admission of guilt in their press release.

“In the days that followed, Tarrio admitted to burning the banner on social media and in comments to numerous media outlets,” it reads.

After his guilty plea, Tarrio posted a link to Bob Marley’s “Everything is Gonna Be Alright,” on his Telegram channel.

In Body Image
5:09 Enrique's House of Propaganda/Telegram

Tarrio also pled guilty to “possession of a large-capacity ammunition feeding device.” Tarrio was arrested by D.C. police two days before the Jan. 6 Capitol riot. After his arrest, it was revealed Tarrio had been working with authorities as an informant.

Both counts carry a maximum sentence of up to six months in jail.

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