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Millennials really want Hillary Clinton to pick Elizabeth Warren for VP

Are you listening, Hillary?


Aaron Sankin


Kids today, with their spicy memes and their complicated shoes, what do they even want?

Apparently, what they want is for 2016 Democratic presumptive presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to pick Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D – Mass.) as her vice presidential running mate.

According to a survey of 2,500 users of the anonymous messaging service Yik Yak, which boasts a user base that is comprised of 98 percent millennials, they overwhelmingly favor Clinton tapping the consumer-advocate-turned-progressive-lawmaker for VP. Seventy-four percent of respondents wanted Clinton to pick Warren. Only 9 percent favored Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.), 8 percent tapped U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Julian Castro, 6 percent liked Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), and 3 percent wanted Labor Secretary Tom Perez.

A Yik Yak spokesperson told the Daily Dot this is the first time the service has polled on Warren, so it’s difficult to get a sense if Warren’s stock is rising overall in terms of the Democratic veepstakes. However, it’s notable that Warren has a significantly larger share of support on the Democratic side than any single candidate on the GOP end.

When it comes to Donald Trump‘s running mate, 55 percent of respondents support unexpectedly woke former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and 27 percent backed New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. Indiana Gov. Mike Pence is strongly rumored to be the favorite for actually getting the nod.

While one poll from the Pew Research Center puts Trump in third place, behind the Libertarian presidential candidate, former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson, Clinton may want to pay heed to the wishes of Yik Yak’s millennial democratic if she wants to win votes.

The Yik Yak survey found 48 percent of self-identified supporters of Clinton’s former rival for the Democratic nomination, Sen. Bernie Sanders, said they’re aligning with third-party options like Johnson or Green Party candidate Dr. Jill Stein. Thirty-nine percent said they would support Clinton, and 13 percent indicated they would hop aboard the Trump train.

Millennials may have overtaken Baby Boomers as the single largest share of the electorate earlier this year, but whether they’ll play a decisive role in November remains to be seen.

During the 2012 election cycle, only 46 percent of eligible millennial voters actually turned out to the polls. Turnout levels for older age cohorts, from Gen X to the Greatest Generation, were more than sixty percent. Four years earlier, amid the excitement surrounding then-Sen. Barack Obama‘s historic candidacy, millennial turnout was slightly higher. 

Even then, it didn’t make it over 50 percent.

The Daily Dot