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Donald Trump uses Disney’s ‘Frozen’ to defend ‘anti-Semitic’ Clinton tweet

Somebody needs a warm hug.


Josh Katzowitz


If you thought Donald Trump, still under fire for his inflammatory Hillary Clinton tweet that involved piles of cash and a Star of David lookalike, was just going to let it go, you guessed wrong.

That’s because the presumptive Republican nominee kept the subject of anti-Semitism burning alive on Twitter Wednesday night, and he invoked one of the most popular Disney movies of all time to make his point.

Trump, in fact, spent much of his speech in Cincinnati on Wednesday night saying how he regretted that his team deleted the original tweet—the one with the star—that accused Clinton of being the most corrupt presidential candidate in history and replaced it with a graphic of a circle. He also continued to defend his admiration of brutal Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein’s ability to kill terrorists.

But with Clinton still facing backlash over her handling of classified materials and the subsequent FBI investigation, Trump spent little time attacking her on those issues. Instead, he was worried about Frozen.

And just where did Trump get that Frozen image? At a local Cincinnati bookstore or something?

But let’s save the most impactful tweet for last. Clearly, somebody on Clinton’s social media team knows the Frozen song, “Do You Want To Build a Snowman?”

Even in Frozen parlance, that’s one helluva burn.

The Daily Dot