Donald Trump and Montreal Cognitive Assessment sheet

repmobrooks/Flickr (CC-BY-SA) Remix by Jason Reed

Trump’s cognitive test required him to point to a camel and say ‘camel’

At least we can feel safe about his ability to do that.


David Covucci


As part of the physical President Donald Trump recently took, his physician gave him a mental cognition test, which the president aced.

The only problem? Anyone over the age of 6 could perform it admirably. The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) was administered by physician Dr. Ronnie Jackson at the president’s behest. It’s not a measure of intelligence but rather tests cognitive decline, looking for signs of Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Here, however, is a sample from the test.

Montreal Cognitive Assesment

From the section’s instructions.

4. Naming:


Administration: Beginning on the left, the examiner points to each figure and says: “Tell me the name of this animal.”


Scoring: One point is given for each of the following responses: (1) lion (2) rhinoceros or rhino (3) camel or dromedary.

So it appears the test we are now using as a barometer for if the president has the mental acuity to authorize nuclear strikes is whether he can successfully comprehend the plot of Goodnight Gorilla without being hopelessly befuddled.

I, for one, feel comforted.

Easy as that question is, it’s the clock one that has the internet demanding proof.

clock moca
Montreal Cognitive Assesment

The president was graded on the shape of his clock, as well as the accuracy of its hands. And people want to see it.

The clock crowd is already the second truther movement started by Trump’s physical.

You can see the full MoCA here.

The Daily Dot