Donald Trump Holding Up His Hand

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Congress warns Trump to stop deleting his tweets

He might be breaking the law.


Nidia Cavazos


President Trump and his administration may be breaking the law every time he deletes his tweets. And so two top congressmen on Thursday warned Trump this week to stop.

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) and Elijah Cummings (R-Md.) sent a letter to the White House calling for more transparency with how the administration keeps communication records, including social media posts.

Trump has previously deleted tweets whether it’s due to spelling errors or simply taking them down. According to the representatives, these acts can potentially violate the Presidential Records Act.

Under the act of Congress, all official records of presidents and vice presidents must be preserved. This law extends to social media platforms and all posts should thus be archived. The Obama administration instituted auto-archiving capabilities on its Twitter accounts so that even if a tweet gets deleted for spelling errors, the original tweet is still recorded.

Representatives also brought up federal employees’ use of encrypted messaging applications like WhatsApp, Signal, and Confide as their primary form of communication. The encryption prevent presidential or federal records from being archived.

H/T Huffington Post

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