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Hillary Clinton trolls Chris Christie on Snapchat showing the two sharing a warm moment together

Imagine Hillary Clinton sipping tea before sharing these snaps.


Selena Larson


At the Republican National Convention this week, insults and threats toward presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton are flying left and right, including linking the former secretary of state to Lucifer. A number of criticisms were lobbed her way during New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie‘s convention speech on Tuesday night.

“Tonight, as a former federal prosecutor, I welcome the opportunity to hold [Clinton] accountable for her performance and her character,” Christie said. Throughout his speech, the crowd broke into chants of “Lock her up.”

In a quick response to Christie’s remarks, Clinton’s campaign shared a snap Wednesday of an amicable meeting between her and Christie earlier this year. CNN’s political producer Dan Merica shared a recording of the Snapchat story on Twitter

In the video, Christie can be heard saying, “All I do is hug Democrats, you know that, it gets me in trouble all the time.” In a following clip, he said, “Tell the President I said hi … Good luck out there.”

Christie, who at one point was considered a strong contender to become Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump‘s vice presidential pick, said he was speaking at the RNC not just as governor but as a friend of the businessman for the past 14 years. He dragged Clinton for her “dismal record as Secretary of State.” 

But Clinton, clearly, was prepared with the receipts.

The Daily Dot