Jeffrey Epstein mugshot


Jeffrey Epstein’s injury immediately tied to Clinton Body Count conspiracy theory

People always see the Clintons’ hands.


David Covucci


Posted on Jul 25, 2019   Updated on May 20, 2021, 8:02 am CDT

Last night, Jeffrey Epstein, the accused pedophile pimp to the rich and famous, was found in his cell with injuries on his neck consistent with what may have been a “suicide attempt.”

According to NBC New York, Epstein was found “injured and in a fetal position inside his cell” with marking on his neck.

Two sources said that the marks indicated it may have been a suicide attempt, while another had not ruled out a possible assault, and an inmate was questioned.

That’s not an entirely unreasonable set of possibilities. A formerly wealthy man coddled and protected by elites finally faces consequences for his actions might consider taking his own life versus serving a life sentence in prison. But former President Bill Clinton infamously flew repeatedly on Epstein’s private plane, and although that information is already out in the public sphere, the internet swirled with the possibility that Bill and Hillary tried to have Epstein offed to keep him from speaking.

On Twitter, Clinton Body Count—the name given to the conspiracy that says the Clintons have eliminated their political enemies—even trended.

In Body Image

That it may have been a hit by the Clinton was deduced by internet sleuths doing research on the inmate interviewed.

Nicholas Tartaglione, who was a former cop accused of quadruple murder, was found with a phone in his cell, which had to have been how he received orders.

It is only the article about the phone that came out today. He wasn’t found with a cell phone yesterday like some online are saying.

The incident in question was on July 3, three days before Epstein was arrested, which would require an incredible amount of foresight by the Clintons.

But when you believe the former first family is capable of anything, nothing is too implausible.


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*First Published: Jul 25, 2019, 10:02 am CDT
The Daily Dot