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13-year-old takes Obama to task over Ahmed Mohamed’s White House invite

‘He’s a Muslim kid, he fits into your agenda.’


Ramon Ramirez


Burgeoning Facebook pundit C.J. Pearson is a self-branded Republican who harbors Ted Cruz-esque libertarian principles. As an African-American 13-year-old, his homemade hot takes have resonated strongly across conservative media—heralded as clear-headed common sense. 

But never quite like this.

On Thursday Pearson tore into President Obama for inviting fellow middle-schooler Ahmed Mohamed to the White House. Mohamed was suspended this week for bringing a homemade clock to school that was feared to be a bomb.

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In short, Pearson criticized Obama for prioritizing Mohamed over what he sees as more-pressing national concerns, most notably showing a lack of public concern over an alleged “war on cops.”

“What is this world that you’re living in?” Pearson asked. “Mr. President, what are your priorities here? …He’s a Muslim kid, he fits into your agenda.”

He continued: “I think you’re incompetent and I think you don’t understand reality… You don’t get invited to the White House for building a clock.” 

Pearson goes on to pin the murder of police officers on Obama because of his perceived sympathy toward the #BlackLivesMatter protest movement.

Kid President, you’ve met your match. 

Screengrab via CJ Pearson/Facebook

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