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Cards Against Humanity lets customers pick 2016 candidate they’ll donate to, as long as it’s Clinton

More like Cards For Humanity.


Aaron Sankin


Since Donald Trump already bragged about the size of his penis during a nationally televised debate, you’d think there wasn’t really a lot of room for the twisted minds behind the massively popular Cards Against Humanity game to insert themselves into the 2016 election cycle. However, you would be wrong.

The game’s creators have launched a fundraiser, America Votes With Cards Against Humanity, where they’re letting their customers decide which of the two campaigns should received the donations the company collects.

“Today, we’re letting America choose between two new expansion packs about either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump,” the project’s website reads. “At the end of this promotion, Cards Against Humanity will tally up the sales of both packs, and depending on which pack gets more support, we will donate all the money in support of Hillary Clinton’s campaign.”

The effort is explained in a video that also provides a brief bio of each candidate.

All of the donations will be split between a super PAC supporting Clinton, independent groups opposing Trump, and voter registration/get out the vote initatives in swing states. Representatives from Cards Against Humanity did not immediately respond to a request for comment about precisely which organizations they are eyeing for donations.

Even though the Trump campaign has attempted to solicit campaign donations from foreign lawmakers, a practice prohibited by U.S. election law, the packs can only be purchased by people living in the United States.

“If you don’t currently live in the United States,” reads a message on the company’s website, “good.”

Trump, who is basically a walking offensive meme, is a natural fit for the Cards Against Humanity format. Earlier this year, the Canadian ad agency Sid Lee released Trump Against Humanity—an unofficial Cards Against Humanity expansion set that introduced Trumpian terms like “father-daughter incest” and “total losers.”

Cards Against Humanity also got into the act itself, releasing a limited-edition Donald Trump Bug-Out Bag, with supplies like food rations and seed packets to get people though a Trump-triggered apocalypse.

This election expansion set isn’t the first time Cards Against Humanity has donated funds for humanity. Since 2012, the company has raised over $4 million for organizations like, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and the Sunlight Foundation.

Last year, Cards Against Humanity instigated a cheeky Black Friday promotion where the company allowed customers to purchase literally nothing for the limited-time, ultra-low price of $5. The sale netted $71,145, which was spent on a combination of stuff the staff wanted (like a Roomba and Pokemon trading cards) and charitable donations (to nonprofit groups like the American Refugee Committee and Planned Parenthood).

Anyone angry about Cards Against Humanity’s decision to support Clinton are directed to send their thoughts to In a note on the site, anyone interested in buying a pack in supporter of Libertarian Gary Johnson or Green party candidate Jill Stein should, “just skip the middleman and vote for Trump.”

The Daily Dot